Friday, April 1, 2011

Savannah, just turned one!

Savannah was not the most cooperative this time, had to use the phone to get these..: )

...and don't even think about taking it from her haha

She didn't really like sitting on the chair and if she moved it would rock, so it kind of helped keep her from getting off

Aunt Jean..this one's for you!!


Ashley said...

Of course I remember you! AH I LOVE YOUR PARENTS!!!! Such a small world! :) Your daughter is ADORABLE!

Shelise said...

So cute. I seriously love them all...especially the one of her with the look on her face like, "don't even think about taking this phone away from me!" haha. I'm loving her skinny jeans and purple shirt.

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh, she is SO stinkin' cute!!! My favorites are the ones in the purple shirt too, all though it's impossible to pic a favorite. Lovin' your blog. Glad to have it now. :)

ashley said...

she is adorable!! and so big. i want to meet her! and her brother :)