Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First Tries and Strawberries

This is our little strawberry girl! She really loves eating strawberries. And that is our beautiful tree in the background that we love.
I was debating on whether I should post this cake or not but I decided eventually I will get better and it will be fun to see progress. But this is my first cake with my Cricut. I know it looks terrible....the thing is when I put the top on it crumbled on its way there. Really. the whole top was basically crumbs smushed together so in all fairness I recovered it considerally better than I should have been able to.
Still, it is not the most appealing cake. On the upside I know how to work my machine now and I think I will have a more creative and better quality cake to show in about 2 weeks for my brother Brandon's birthday. Here's hoping...: )

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